Message of the Day 01.21.2020

I was guided to pull a card for anyone that crosses this post today.  I asked our guides to deliver a message better than we can ever imagine.  

As soon as I started shuffling my cards, I instantly felt a sense of happiness and relief.  Goddess of a Beauty: This card reminds us that we are on the path that we are supposed to be on.    Just because you feel like you haven’t been moving forward, doesn’t mean that you aren’t growing or you aren’t moving in this life, it’s just a reminder that you are coasting perfectly down the right path and you just need to enjoy the moment instead of questioning the what if’s.  It’s okay to be happy and be coasting in life fo a little, our souls also need time to recover from heartbreak and disappointments.  We need that time to heal and to move onto the next chapter in our lives.  Happiness is something that we all strive for in this lifetime but so is fulfillment, so please accept all of the blessings for what they are and enjoy every moment.  
Love & Light.  
#angels #angelmessenger #love #life #happiness #beatdepression #spiritual #spiritualjourney #lovinglife #livelovelife #newchapters #karmiclife #karma #positivity #nonegativity 

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